We are writing a series of health articles from A-Z – each day a new article going through the alphabet. When we have finished, we will start again addressing new issues for each letter of the alphabet.
We decided we would do the same for gardening. Each day addressing a different item for each letter of the alphabet. Hopefully you will find these articles beneficial.
So, let’s start with a general article regarding why it is important to grow your own fruit and vegetables.
First off – the current claim is that over 90% of the groceries you purchase in a grocery store are artificial, polluted or in some way toxic. They are or have synthesized compounds, they are grown in nutrient deficient soils and sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and POPs (aka persistent organic pollutants). They are GMO (aka genetically modified) or microwaved. They contain toxins to give them color and/or shelf life. They are sprayed with toxic chemicals that arrest enzyme processing before harvesting, during storage, and then again when delivered. Ultimately, they are loaded with toxins and nutrient deficient.
In addition to that we can go back even further than the toxins and look at the soils, the water, and the air they breathe. All of which are toxic. We could address climate control – acknowledged since the 1850s – no not 1950s but 1850s!!! The Chem trails and other air pollutants. We have put out containers to collect rainwater and tested the water – believe me it is pretty scary.
People often do not address the GMO issues. Are you aware that seeds taken from GMO fruit and vegetables usually won’t grow in your own garden and typically won’t last for the farmer for more than three years – but can do a huge amount of harm.
If we move to the end product, the problem is typically, they have little fibre and little taste. If you have ever grown your own food, you will know how much more flavour homegrown, fresh from the garden food has. In addition, fresh garden food has a lot more fibre – which is hugely important to our digestive processes.
When we take a little time, we can grow our own fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices and gain a lot of nutrient dense foods, never mind tasty foods.
Some people complain that they don’t have gardens – but do you have patios, balconies, windowsills?
Some people claim they face the north and don’t get a lot of sun – no worries, there are many foods that prefer the north and not the sunny south.
We will look at foods to grow in the winter, in the shade, indoors, winter and summer. We will look at the nutrients these foods have and how they may prevent or help eliminate various diseases, disorders and dysfunctions as well as how they may help cellular functions.
Remember if you put toxins and dysfunctional foods into your body – your body has to keep accommodating till it can’t do it anymore and you end up sick.
Whereas if you put in healthy, clean, real foods, your body has an incredibly higher capacity to function longer, healthier and more effectively.
So, the choice is yours and I hope you choose to start growing or expanding your growing capacity.
Here’s to your health.
Dr Holly