Let’s start using the alphabet to create articles. ‘A’ comes first and so let’s do an article on Alzheimer’s.
Most people have heard of Alzheimer’s. In fact, I would bet most people know someone who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
The problem is, there are 119 different types of dementia being studied, but physicians will typically give Alzheimer’s as the diagnosis for a few different reasons…
- It’s what they are taught to do
- It’s easy and convenient and the clients typically don’t question it
- It’s the most commonly and well-known dementia
- Sometimes they are paid for the number of clients they have with a given diagnosis and then the clients are used for research purposes, often without even being told
But there are huge issues with this. For instance, the L-DOPA medication usually given for Alzheimer’s patients will show good results for about 3 weeks and then take a negative turn for the client.
Further, many of the dementias can be reversed naturally. Without the harm of the pharmaceutical drugs.
I can provide two personal examples and a huge number of clinical clients as well, but let’s look at my parents. My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and I said no she has Lewy Body Syndrome. Three years later, the MDs decided she had Lewy Body Syndrome.
My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I said no, he probably had vascular dementia. We did a CT scan and some blood tests, and they came back with – hmm he has vascular dementia.
But what if I hadn’t known about the research or didn’t have any testing equipment, or or or… what about the average Joe who actually thinks the MDs are well trained and know that they are talking about… then what….
The most commonly recognized symptoms include memory loss, difficulty communicating, confusion, and sudden mood changes. Understanding the symptoms can be useful in helping both the client and the caregiver work with dementia and/or around it, hopefully reducing the stress load for each.
So, let’s try to understand dementia. The most commonly diagnosed forms of dementia include: Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia and Dementia with Lewy Bodies. However, as already noted, there are over a 100 different types of dementias. AND, different studies have shown that between 1 in 5 to 68% of Alzheimer’s diagnoses are misdiagnosed!!
What physicians and Big Pharma have ignored for eons is that sugar is a major culprit of dementia.
- excess sugar causes AGEs aka advanced glycation endproducts
https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/circulationaha.106.621854 - excess sugars are also related to amyloids which can block blood flow
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34646853/ - Sugar increases insulin resistance in the brain
https://www.oceanhillsseniorliving.com/how-to-curb-your-sweet-cravings/ - sugar kills brain cells
- sugar weakens and damages blood vessels which in turn can result in strokes
- excess sugars can result in inflammation in both the body and the brain
If excess sugars can have that much of an impact on the brain, maybe we need to help seniors – and everybody else – reduce the sugar load as both a preventative and a resolution.
We never found a way to deal with the Lewy Body Syndrome unfortunately. I kept researching it and tried everything that was being researched, but to no avail.
However, with my father, we restricted the sugar intake, explaining that he basically had ‘neural diabetes’. Within two months, all the symptoms were gone!!!
No drugs…just diet. Well I also put him on a herbal tincture. But the diet was the focus.
There are other issues, however, that can cause dementia:
- Copper
- Zinc
- Aluminum
- Cadmium
- Manganese
- Pharmaceutical drugs
- Dysfunctional mitochondria
So yes, when various metals cross the BBB aka blood brain barrier, they can disrupt neural functioning and cause dementia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7454042/
In addition a variety of pharmaceutical drugs can cause dementia https://www.brightfocus.org/alzheimers/article/is-it-something-im-taking-medications-that-can-mimic-dementia
Mitochondria are the organelles, or components of the cells, that produce ATP or the energy required for the cells to function. A basic cell may have between 50 and 500 mitochondria. Whereas a heart cell or a brain cell may have in excess of 12,000!! The number one cause of mitochondrial dysfunction are pharmaceutical drugs!!!
So when we are looking at dementia, and in particular Alzeheimer’s we need to be aware of the following:
- Is it the right diagnosis
- Can diet and/or herbs resolve the problem
- Are pharmaceutical drugs or metal toxicity causing the problem
I encourage anyone who has cognitive challenges, memory issues, to do the research. Don’t rely on physicians who are willing to dump you into an easy category; who rely on drugs to manage the problem; and don’t know the research regarding how to eliminate the problem.
Here’s to your brain health.
Dr Holly