Category: Nutrition

Blue eye close up

Your eyes – are they healthy?

Most people don’t think about their eyes or their eyesight till something goes wrong. Me included. At the age of 25, overnight I lost my sight, to the point I couldn’t read STOP on a stop sign sitting right in front of it. Wow. That was scary. My specialist told me I would be legally blind […]
Sugary donut close-up with sprinkles

Diabetes – manage it or eliminate it?

Did you know that 3000 years ago in India, Ayurveda medicine could differentiate between 20 different types of sugar disorders and in today’s western medicine, we can only differentiate four – hypoglycemia, prediabetes aka metabolic disorder, type 1 and type 2. Pretty pathetic wouldn’t you say? Like with so many medical issues, we are still coming […]
Sauerkraut, fermented food for healthy microbiome

Could we live without bacteria?

The simple answer is no. And the medical profession or more accurately Big Pharma really doesn’t want you to know that. When I was in Naturopathic College almost 20 years ago, it was taught that there were just over 500 species of bacteria in the gut and they did a few things…. For over a […]
Spinach - source of glutathione

Do you know what glutathione is?

We have touched briefly on the immune system and that there are 4 major components and all kinds of sub components to establish a good gut, where about 72% of your immune system operates. One of those major components was glutathione. It is a compound that every cell in the body makes and has to […]
Herbal tea to help with detox

Eliminating Toxins

In today’s world the immune system is more important than ever…. If we go back into ancient healing modalities, they were careful to eliminate toxins from the body on a regular basis. For instance, in Ayurveda medicine, the oldest known healing modality, they detoxed the body between each season. In today’s world, over a 100,000 […]
Turmeric root and powder

Understanding the variables in cancer

There are a huge number of cancers and a variety of causes of cancers. However, there are three common variables. Number one is the membrane or membrane potential that allows sugars to cross the cellular membrane but not oxygen. The high sugar content, required by the mitochondria to produce energy, creates an acidic pH inside […]
organic garlic bulbs

What to do?

We know that the covid 19 is nonsense. We have all heard and seen the 4000 patents that started in the late 1990’s about developing a virus that would control the world. That whether we look at SARS in 2002-3 or MERS in 2008 or Covid 19 – that are all attempts to mandate a […]