Dr Holly

Posts by Dr Holly

Dr Holly Fourchalk focuses on remedies for CoVID and health related issues.Special article series: Health A-Z and Gardening A-Z. View more of Dr Holly's posts at newsforthesoul.com.

Herbal tea to help with detox

Eliminating Toxins

In today’s world the immune system is more important than ever…. If we go back into ancient healing modalities, they were careful to eliminate toxins from the body on a regular basis. For instance, in Ayurveda medicine, the oldest known healing modality, they detoxed the body between each season. In today’s world, over a 100,000 […]
Turmeric root and powder

Understanding the variables in cancer

There are a huge number of cancers and a variety of causes of cancers. However, there are three common variables. Number one is the membrane or membrane potential that allows sugars to cross the cellular membrane but not oxygen. The high sugar content, required by the mitochondria to produce energy, creates an acidic pH inside […]
winter gardening - sprouts


Gardening for the winter months – hmmm. But yes, just like we were just saying, start growing inside.  All the various sprouts and microgreens have a huge amount of nutrient  All the herbs you can grow on your windowsill have a lot of nutrient.   Your garden also needs nutrient and in particular fixing nitrogen in […]
organic garlic bulbs

What to do?

We know that the covid 19 is nonsense. We have all heard and seen the 4000 patents that started in the late 1990’s about developing a virus that would control the world. That whether we look at SARS in 2002-3 or MERS in 2008 or Covid 19 – that are all attempts to mandate a […]